Pico awarded New Landscapes India: Fashion, Textiles & Technology Catalyst R&D Grant


We’re excited to share that, in collaboration with our friends and partners in India, Mila & Kaskom, we have been awarded a grant from the British Council and Fashion Textiles and Technology Institute to develop a range of fully regenerative underwear.


Our Proposal:

To design and produce a prototype piece(s) of 100% organic cotton underwear which is locally and regeneratively produced in Tamil Nadu and fully biodegradable at the end of its life.

We will be researching fabric structure and pattern cutting, both traditional and innovative, to explore how we can remove the need for elastane in our designs, without compromising on fit, comfort and longevity.

In Collaboration With:

MILA - Solar Powered Factory, Tirupur, Tamil Nadu

We will be working with Girish and the team at Mila (our manufacturing-partner for the last 8 years) to produce the prototype.

KASKOM - Karunganni cotton, native to Tamil Nadu

We will be collaborating with Swaminathan, from Kaskom, to produce a jersey fabric from their desi cotton, grown in the same region as the whole supply chain.


Our aim is to have a prototype by the end of July, which we can test for comfort, longevity and eventual-compostability.

We are really grateful for the support from the British Council and FTTI and are excited to get started on the project.

If there are particular styles you would like to see developed with 100% organic cotton, or you have any particular suggestions at this early stage of the design process, please do get in touch. We would love to hear your thoughts and ideas.