It makes you really think about what you are allowing closest to your skin, once you have taken a moment to notice..I love Pico goods for this reason because they take the whole picture into consideration. You can feel the difference.”
I’m going to have to stock up on them because they are the only pants I want to wear at the moment and I’m a bit sad when they are in the laundry. So so comfortable, perfect fit AND organic and fair-trade. The softest pair of pants I own.”
I have never, never, ever, had a pair of pants fit me so well.They fit so snugly I hardly know I have any on! Everything lies in the right place and stays comfortably put as you move.
I decided that I wouldn’t be able to wear anything else. I’m now the proud owner of at least 10 pairs of Pico pants in varying colours and styles. And life is so much better.”
They are literally the perfect underwear. The briefs have good coverage while also making me feel fabulous. I love the vintage style and the super soft cotton….”